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We are all parenting

02 November 2022
ADEK Editorial team

Parenting today is a shared journey involving not just parents but also extended family and the community.

Alisar Nasr (an educator, mother, leader, and mentor) explains how everyone contributes to a child's growth and highlights the importance of staying self-aware and adaptable.

Watch to learn how to create a supportive environment where your child can thrive.


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An error occurred while processing the template.
Denied access to method or field getParameter of class org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign id = request.getParameter("id")!  [in template "20099#20125#361659" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign id = request.getParameter('id')!> 
4<div class="resources-carousel">  
5                <#if entries?has_content> 
7                    <#list entries as curEntry> 
8                      <#assign assetRenderer=curEntry.getAssetRenderer() 
9                        journalArticle=assetRenderer.getAssetObject() /> 
11                    <#if id != journalArticle.getArticleId()> 
12                      <@liferay_journal["journal-article"] articleId=journalArticle.getArticleId() 
13                        ddmTemplateKey="65373" groupId=journalArticle.getGroupId() /> 
14											</#if> 
15                    </#list> 
17                </#if> 		 
18									</div> 

We are all parenting

07/03/24 10:15 AM
ADEK Editorial team

Parenting today is a shared journey involving not just parents but also extended family and the community.

Alisar Nasr (an educator, mother, leader, and mentor) explains how everyone contributes to a child's growth and highlights the importance of staying self-aware and adaptable.

Watch to learn how to create a supportive environment where your child can thrive.


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An error occurred while processing the template.
Denied access to method or field getParameter of class org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign id = request.getParameter("id")!  [in template "20099#20125#361659" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign id = request.getParameter('id')!> 
4<div class="resources-carousel">  
5                <#if entries?has_content> 
7                    <#list entries as curEntry> 
8                      <#assign assetRenderer=curEntry.getAssetRenderer() 
9                        journalArticle=assetRenderer.getAssetObject() /> 
11                    <#if id != journalArticle.getArticleId()> 
12                      <@liferay_journal["journal-article"] articleId=journalArticle.getArticleId() 
13                        ddmTemplateKey="65373" groupId=journalArticle.getGroupId() /> 
14											</#if> 
15                    </#list> 
17                </#if> 		 
18									</div>