Rayah FAQs

  • All parents can contact Abu Dhabi contact centre at 800555.  

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • Yes, you can log in to Rayah by using your email address and password.

  • UAE PASS App verifies your personal information, hence helping Rayah detect your kids' information and performance details if they attend a nursery, private, or charter school.

    1. You'll find what we call a kid profile for all your kids in nurseries, private or charter schools. These profiles contain their information, school information, grades, and assessment results.
    2. You'll get access to a wide range of recommended events, activities, special offers, and programs based on your interests.

  • No, Rayah is a parent platform. You can log in with your own UAE PASS App or with your email address and password if you signed up to Rayah with your email address.

  • Yes, you can! Whether you're a UAE resident living abroad or a foreigner considering moving to the UAE, you can create an account on Rayah.

  • Yes, Rayah is accessible anytime, anywhere from your phone or PC.

  • If you cannot log in to Rayah, please consider the following:

    1. If you're trying to log in with your email address and password, make sure to enter your details correctly
    2. You could be experiencing issues connecting to your Wifi or mobile data. Try another network if possible
    3. If you are using your PC, refresh the page and try again

    If you still cannot log in to Rayah, please contact us at support@rayah.ae

  • Yes, Rayah is completely free of charge. You can enjoy all features, tools, and educational resources for free.

  • If you receive this message, it means that you already have an account on Rayah. You don't have to sign up again. Please try to log in either through UAE PASS or your email address and password.

  • If you receive this message, then you already have an account on Rayah. Please log in to your account using UAE PASS or your email address and password.

  • If you receive this message, it means that you already have an account on Rayah. Please log in to your account using UAE PASS or your email address and password.

  • You could be experiencing one of the following scenarios:

    1. You have not yet verified your account. To verify your account, click on the yellow 'Unverified' status beside your name and follow the instructions.
    2. To verify your account, you must use the email address, phone number, and Emirates ID you provided to the school or nursery when registering your kids. If you have not registered the kid yourself at nurseries, private or charter schools, go to the school or nursery and provide your personal details. Upon that, your account gets verified and you’ll be able to track your kids' academic progress.
    3. Your kids may be attending public schools. If so, you cannot find their information or track their academic performance on Rayah. In this case, your account may remain unverified.

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • To verify your account, click on the yellow 'Unverified' status beside your name and follow the instructions below.

    To validate your account through UAE PASS:

    1. Select 'Validate through UAE PASS'
    2. You'll be directed to the UAE PASS App to confirm. If using your PC, open UAE PASS App on your phone and confirm. To learn more about UAE PASS or if you need assistance with your UAE PASS App, please visit: https://icp.gov.ae/en/uae-pass/

    If you cannot use UAE PASS App:

    1. Choose 'Validate with other options'
    2. You have the option to validate your account using either your phone number and Emirates ID or email address and Emirates ID

    If you validate your account via phone number, you'll receive a message with OTP (one-time password) to verify your phone number.

    If you validate your account via email address, you will receive a link to verify your email address.


  • If you haven't received the verification link, do the following:

    1. Check your spam or junk folder: You may find the email with the verification link there.
    2. Wait for a few minutes: It's possible that the verification email is on its way to your inbox. Give it some time.
    3. Check your email address: Make sure you have entered your email address correctly. In case of inaccurate information, please re-enter your email address.
    4. Resend verification link: You can click the "Resend" button and a new verification link will be sent your way.

    If you tried all the above and you still have not received the verification link, reach out to us at support@rayah.ae for assistance.

  • Unfortunately, you cannot recover deleted accounts. You have to sign up again and create a new account.

  • When you delete your Rayah account, all your information will be lost. If your kids are enrolled in educational institutions managed by ADEK (nurseries, private or charter schools), their details will never be deleted even after deleting your Rayah account. You can access their information and academic progress if you create a new account using the personal details you gave to the school or nursery.

  • No. Deleting your Rayah account will remove your information from Rayah platform only. Your information, your kids' information, and the details of their education are retained by ADEK.

  • To log in to your account, you need to reset your password:

    1. Click on 'Having trouble with login? Click here'
    2. Choose 'Reset Password'
    3. Enter your email address. You should receive a link to choose a new password
    4. Enter the new password twice. Make sure they match

    Log in to your account using your email address and new password. If you still cannot log in to Rayah, please contact us at support@rayah.ae

  • If you forgot your user name, do the following:

    1. Click on 'Having trouble with login? Click here'
    2. Choose 'Forgot Username'
    3. Enter your email address. You should receive an email message with your username

    Should you need further assistance, contact us at support@rayah.ae

  • If you forgot your email address, do the following:

    1. Click on 'Having trouble with login? Click here'
    2. Choose 'Forgot Email Address'.
    3. Enter your user name and password. You should get directed to another screen displaying your email address

    Should you need further assistance, contact us at support@rayah.ae

  • Try the following:

    1. If you never received your OTP or if it has expired, request another one
    2. Make sure your phone number is correct
    3. Check your internet connection
    4. Check your spam or blocked messages

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • Follow these steps to change your phone number:

    1. Go to your profile (click on your profile photo or avatar)
    2. Tap "Edit" on the upper right of your screen
    3. Make sure to enter your new phone number correctly
    4. For UAE residents, An OTP will be sent to your new phone number. Once entered correctly, your number will be updated.

    For non-UAE residents, your number will be updated instantly. You'll not receive an OTP.

    1. Go to "More" at the bottom of the screen (on the left side of your screen if you're using a PC)
    2. Under "Settings", click on "Account security" and choose "Change email address"
    3. Enter your new email address twice
    4. A verification link will be sent to your new email address
    5. Once you click on the verification link, your email address should be updated on Rayah

  • You can use a different device to access your account. Simply, log out of Rayah on your current device and use your login information to access your account from the other device. Example: You use Rayah on your phone and now you want to switch to PC. Log out of Rayah App then log in to your account on Rayah website.

  • You can add or remove any interests you want. Follow the below steps to edit your interests:

    1. Go to your profile (click on your profile photo or avatar).
    2. From "Manage your Account", choose "Interests".
    3. Add or remove the interests you wish add or remove,

    1. Go to "More" at the bottom of your screen (on the left side of your screen if you're using a PC)
    2. Under Settings, go to "Preferences"
    3. Choose your preferred language

    Rayah will be updated accordingly to perform in your preferred language.

    1. Go to "More" at the bottom of your screen (on the left side of your screen if you're using a PC).
    2. Under Settings, go to "Preferences".
    3. From "Font size" you can change the size of the app font.

  • To access your kids' information and start tracking their progress at nurseries, private, or charter schools, you must verify your account. Once you verify your account, Rayah will find the profiles of your kids and hence you can add them to your profile.

    If you're still unable to find your kids' profiles:

    1. The school may not have your information: If you have not registered the kid yourself at their school or nursery, visit the school or nursery and provide your personal details. Once the school updates its records, you should find the profiles of your kids on Rayah.
    2. Your kid attends a public school: Unfortunately, you’ll not find their profile on Rayah. However, you can create a profile for them yourself and enjoy the offers and advanced tools of Rayah. To create a kid profile, go to your Home page and click the "Add kids" button at the top of your screen then click "Add a kid profile" & fill in the details of your kid.

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • If your kids attend nurseries, private or charter schools:

    1. Go to your Home page.
    2. If you verified your account: On the top of your screen, click on the "Add kids" button and you'll be able to select and add their profiles to your account.

    If you have not verified your account: you need to verify your account first in order to access your kids' profiles.

    To verify your account:

    1. Go to your profile (click on your profile photo or avatar).
    2. Click on "Validate"
    3. You can either choose "Validate with UAE PASS" or if you can't use UAE PASS, choose "Validate with other options".

    If you choose to validate through UAE PASS: you'll be directed to UAE PASS App to confirm.

    If you choose other options: you can either validate your information with Emirates ID number and email address or Emirates ID number and phone number.

    If your kids attend public schools:

    You'll not be able to find their information on Rayah. However, you can create their profiles yourself and benefit from the offers and features of Rayah.

    1. Go to your Home page
    2. Click on the add button on the top of your screen and then "Add a kid profile"
    3. Fill in your kid' information to create their profile

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • If your kid attends a nursery, private, or charter school:

    The school or nursery may have not recorded your kid' information on their system. In case of inaccurate or unavailable information, contact the school or nursery. kids' profiles should be packed with their personal details, school information, marks, attendance, and more.

    If your kid attends a public school:

    You’ll not find any information regarding their academic performance on Rayah. Contact their school for more information.

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • You can remove your kid from your account by visiting their profile, clicking on the 3 dots above, and choosing the delete option.

    If your kids attend a nursery, private, or charter school: you cannot remove their information from ADEK even if you delete your own account.

    If your kids attend public schools: you can delete the profiles you created yourself. To remove a kid profile:

    1. From your Home page, go to your kid's profile (click on their name at the top of your screen). If using a PC, you'll find "My kids" menu on the left side of your screen
    2. Choose 'Remove Kid Profile'. (if using a PC, click on the three dots under your kid's name and remove their profile.

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • To find schools and nurseries in your area or in the nearest locations to yours, check the following:

    1. Allow Rayah to access your location
      If using a mobile device: Go to your mobile settings, search for Rayah, and allow it to access your location.
      If using a PC: go to your browser settings and allow Rayah to access your current location.
    2. No schools or nurseries available in your area
      If Rayah can access your location and you still cannot find schools or nurseries in your area: From School & Nursery Finder, go to "Location" and disenable "looking for schools and nurseries near you?" option or choose a different location.

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • No, you cannot download your kid's profile from Rayah. However, information of enrolled kids in nurseries, private or charter schools is always accessible on the platform.  

    Should you need further assistance, visit Rayah help center on your app (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".

  • If you encounter any inaccurate or unavailable information on Rayah, contact us through Rayah help center: (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center").

    From the Subject menu, choose 'Report inaccurate information'. If you wish, you can attach a screenshot of the inaccurate information you found.

  • If you spot any incorrect or missing information on your kid's profile, please contact their school or nursery. If the school or nursery confirms that your kid's information is up to date, inform us through Rayah help center (From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center").

  • If you are interested in a particular event:

    1. Go to "Tools" at the bottom of your screen (if using a PC, find "Tools" on the left side of your screen).
    2. Select 'Activities & Events'.

    You can either write the event or activity name in the search box or choose from the categories.

  • Rayah is available to everyone, parents and non-parents. If you're expecting or have a newborn, you can use Rayah to search for nurseries and schools, learn about the curriculums available in Abu Dhabi, and enjoy events & special offers.

  • Yes, Rayah is available to everyone wherever they are in the world.

  • No, you need to connect to Wifi or mobile data to use Rayah.

  • If you're experiencing an issue on Rayah or if you need any assistance, visit Rayah help center. From "More" at the bottom of your screen, go to "Rayah help center". If using a PC, go to "More" on the left side of your screen and choose "Rayah help center".  

    Choose the subject of your query, and tell us how we can help. If you wish, It's possible to attach screenshots that may help us understand and resolve your issue.

  • If you have suggestions to improve Rayah, please share them with us by visiting Rayah help center.

    1. Go to "More" at the bottom of the screen (on the left side of your screen if you're using a PC).
    2. Under Support, choose 'Rayah Help Center' and select "Give Feedback or Suggestions" from the Subject menu and share your thoughts with us.